Tall guy needs name
Caroline Marcus
December 16, 2007
THERE'S been a baby boom at Western Plains Zoo.
An as-yet-unnamed giraffe, born at the Dubbo wildlife park on December 6, is now on public view.
The male calf arrived with an unceremonious thud, falling 1.8 metres to the ground. Giraffes give birth standing up.
But he was able to stand up by himself less than an hour later, sticking close to mum, Matungi.
A Persian onager foal, also known rather unflatteringly as the Asian wild ass, was born just hours earlier.
The foal was named Touran, after one of just two protected reserves in Iran where the species still remains. There are fewer than 500 Persian onagers left in the wild.
- The Sun-Herald invites readers to choose a name for the baby giraffe. Names of other animals at the zoo reflect their geographic origin.
Email ideas to shdmedia@sunherald.com.au
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