Four months after tragedy, Sparky's ready for adoption
20 applicants will meet the dog tonight
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 11/12/07
It's the happy tail of the little dog that could.
Sparky, the schnauzer-terrier mix that battled for his life for almost four months after he was dragged behind a car in Clayton County last summer, is ready for adoption.
Sparky's recovery is nothing short of miraculous, his caregivers say.
"He's gone from a dog we didn't know day to day whether he would live or die, to a spunky happy terrier that we know will have a full life," said Carolyn Baars, the woman who has been looking after Sparky at her home in Atlanta.
On July 24, horrified motorists watched as a year-old dog was dragged along the I-75 Frontage Road near Forest Parkway, its leash tied to the back bumper of a car. No one knows how long the dog struggled to free himself, but eventually the leash either snapped or the dog managed to slip from the collar.
He lost nails and pads on all four paws. He was missing a patch of skin on one side that was so large that it could not be stitched shut. The bandages covering his feet had to be changed frequently. And when they were, vets had to anesthetize him because he was in such pain.
And yet, the dog showed such a tolerance for pain and a spunky demeanor that the vets at Paces Ferry Veterinary Clinic in Vinings named him "Sparky."
Despite a $10,000 reward for information, the person responsible for Sparky's ordeal has not been found.
After his story was reported in the local media, hundreds of pet lovers contacted Atlanta Pet Rescue — the nonprofit caring for Sparky — asking how they could adopt him, said spokeswoman Betsey Blimline.
The agency has narrowed down the applicants to 20, and each will meet the dog in person this evening, Blimline said.
"We always require that a family comes in to meet the dog, but we're handling this in a little bit of a special way because so many people are interested in one dog," Baars said.
A final decision, based on personal interviews, will be made by week's end. And on Monday, Sparky will ride to his new home.
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