Teacher Kills Raccoon With Nail Gun In Front Of Class
POSTED: 2:55 pm CST November 13, 2007
UPDATED: 3:00 pm CST November 13, 2007
HUNTSVILLE, Ark. -- A Huntsville teacher who killed a live animal on school grounds to show students how to skin one will not be disciplined, authorities said.
Jerick Hutchinson, who teaches an agriculture class at Huntsville High School, killed a raccoon with a nail gun and took outside to his truck to show students how to skin it, officials said.
District officials subsequently created a policy that no animal can be killed on school grounds, and all dissections must have corresponding, detailed lesson plans.
"You can't undo what's been done, but you can make sure it doesn't happen again," said Huntsville superintendent Alvin Lievsay.
Any student who didn't want to watch did not have to, officials said.
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This is horrifying-- that man has no business holding a teaching license.
you have no business holding a keyboard. people have been killing and skinning animals for millions of years. in fact, we still do, but its a job now handled by factory workers, those kids got a valuable lesson on where their food comes from.
Your callousness is disgusting. There is a difference between killing an animal for survival and brutally slaughtering one in such a horrific, painful way. This is disgusting. as are you for supporting it.
to Seth Martin, We used to live in caves and hunt using throwing axes and spears also. We used to use slaves but we dont do that anymore do we? Stop using our past as an excuse for doing things the easy way. There is such a thing as empathy toward the suffering of other creatures. maybe you should try that sometime.
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