Judge honoured for sticking up for goldfish
November 13, 2007 - 4:16PM
A Brisbane District Court judge has been awarded a "Compassionate judge award" for publicly denouncing a man who flushed two goldfish down the toilet during a burglary at a woman's home.
PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals - today commended Judge Helen O'Sullivan for her comments during the burglary trial last month of Shane Robert Stevenson, from Russell Island.
Twenty-year-old Stevenson was labelled "sick" for ripping the woman's phone from the wall, stealing a PlayStation game console and flushing her two goldfish down the toilet.
At the time barrister Philip Curbishley said Stevenson, an unemployed former meat worker, had probably ransacked the home in search of cash but could provide no firm explanation for his behaviour other than that he was alcoholic.
"He's also an unattractive human being," Judge O'Sullivan said during sentencing.
"Some my find that humorous," she said of the fishes' untimely death.
"I don't. I find it a bit sick and obviously distressing to the owners."
She ordered Stevenson to serve a 12-month intensive corrections order - similar to a jail term served in the community - and ordered he undergo counselling.
PETA president Ingrid Newkirk commended Judge O'Sullivan for her stand against the cruelty to the fish.
"It is our hope that this ruling will send a message to would-be animals abusers that cruelty to any animal - no matter how small or misunderstood - will be taken seriously."
Judge O'Sulllivan will receive a framed certificate accompanied by a letter of appreciation.
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